
  • 14.02.2018 Goodwood tower has been approved by CRINS and township of Uxbridge. Finally green light for the first tower
  • 27.02.2018 Foundation work on Goodwood tower has started.
  • 8.03.2018 Zephyr tower has been approved by CRINS and township of Uxbridge.
  • 14.02.2018 Goodwood tower has been approved by CRINS and township of Uxbridge. Finally green light for the first tower
  • 26.03.2018 After a few days of delay caused by weather foundation for Goodwood tower is finished.
  • 22.03.2018 Zephyr tower foundation has been started.
  • 1.05.2018 After a nasty April weather with freezing rain and regular rain flooding our foundation, we finally managed to finish foundation for Zephyr tower. Now we have to wait one month for the foundation to cure before we can build the tower on it.
  • 10.05.2018 Goodwood tower has been erected
  • 24.05.2018 Equipment on Goodwood tower has been installed. It still remains to be wired and configured.
  • 7.06.2018 Zephyr tower has been erected
  • 14.06.2018 Goodwood tower is completely wired and powered.
  • 20.06.2018 Zephyr tower is completely wired and powered.